POST resource/PropiedadIdiomaBusquedaComunidad
Url de la propiedad que debe contener al menos un idioma para realizar la busqueda por el mismo.
Request Information
HTTP_AUTHORIZATION: Required. OAuth 1.0 parameters with the OAuth signature of the url you are going to request. The consumer keys and access token can be obtained from the community administration.
Sample:HTTP_AUTHORIZATION: OAuth oauth_token="CObXqjfOisVh9%2F2GjC7NNd8BCzY%3D", oauth_consumer_key="clGACsiGaMp%2FD%2BUwkSvRBxA1k50%3D", oauth_nonce="VqKza6d5x1HpPQWFe08spbdOnkTQpfaLfD9Oeuyg", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1462882011", oauth_signature="RH5aKKKJaEvK5cIsZZzXtFh7cCk%3D"
Body Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
GestorOWL | GestionOWL |
Optional |
Entidades | Collection of ElementoOntologia |
Optional |
Propiedades | Collection of Propiedad |
Optional |
EntidadesAuxiliares | Collection of ElementoOntologia |
Optional |
TiposEntidades | Collection of string |
Optional |
NamespacesDefinidos | Dictionary of string [key] and string [value] |
Optional |
NamespacesDefinidosInv | Dictionary of string [key] and string [value] |
Optional |
NamespacesDefinidosExtra | Dictionary of string [key] and string [value] |
Optional |
ValorVerdaderNamespacesReferencia | Dictionary of string [key] and string [value] |
Optional |
RDFCVSemIncluido | string |
Optional |
UsoIDsRelativos | boolean |
Optional |
UrlOntologiasImportadas | Collection of string |
Optional |
EstilosPlantilla | Dictionary of string [key] and Collection of EstiloPlantilla [value] |
Optional |
ConfiguracionPlantilla | EstiloPlantillaConfigGen |
Optional |
GenararNamespacesHuerfanos | boolean |
Optional |
IdiomaUsuario | string |
Optional |
OntologiaID | globally unique identifier |
Optional |
OntologiasExternas | Dictionary of string [key] and Ontologia [value] |
Optional |
OntoAuxiliarInventada | boolean |
Optional |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Entidades": [ { "Descripcion": "sample string 9", "EntidadesRelacionadas": [], "Especializaciones": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "EstaCompleta": true, "Generalizacion": "sample string 6", "ID": "sample string 8", "ListaPropiedadesImprimibles": [], "NamespaceOntologia": "sample string 2", "PermitePadre": true, "Propiedades": [], "PropiedadesOrdenadas": [], "Restricciones": [], "Subclases": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "Superclases": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "TipoEntidad": "sample string 5", "TipoEntidadRelativo": "sample string 4", "UrlOntologia": "sample string 1", "EspecifEntidad": { "AtrNombre": null, "AtrNombreLectura": null, "AtrRepresentantes": null, "CampoOrden": null, "CampoRepresentanteOrden": null, "ClaseCssPanel": null, "ClaseCssPanelTitulo": null, "DivEntidadDesplegable": false, "ElementosOrdenados": null, "ElementosOrdenadosLectura": null, "ElementosOrdenadosLecturaPorCondicion": null, "ElementosOrdenadosPorCondicion": null, 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1", "RutasOntologias": null, "UsoIDsRelativos": true, "UrlOntologiasImportadas": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "ValorVerdaderNamespacesReferencia": { "sample string 1": "sample string 2", "sample string 3": "sample string 4" }, "GestionOwl": { "NamespaceOntologia": "sample string 2", "NamespacesRDFLeyendo": { "sample string 1": "sample string 2", "sample string 3": "sample string 4" }, "NoPermitirNuevosElementos": null, "TipoDatos": { "": "", "string": "", "int": "", "integer": "", "float": "", "boolean": "", "bool": "", "byte": "", "date": "", "dateTime": "", "long": "", "short": "", "base64Binary": "", "Literal": "", "double": "", "nonNegativeInteger": "", "gYear": "", "gYearMonth": "", "positiveInteger": "", "time": "", "gMonthDay": "", "gDay": "", "gMonth": "", "hexBinary": "", "anyURI": "", "QName": "", "NOTATION": "", "decimal": "", "normalizedString": "", "token": "", "nonPositiveInteger": "", "language": "", "Name": "", "NMTOKEN": "", "NCName": "", "NMTOKENS": "", "ID": "", "IDREF": "", "IDREFS": "", "ENTITY": "", "ENTITIES": "", "negativeInteger": "", "unsignedLong": "", "unsignedInt": "", "unsignedShort": "", "unsignedByte": "", "Competencia": "Competencia", "EscalaMetas": "EscalaMetas", "Estructura": "Estructura", "Indicador": "Indicador", "ModoMetrica": "ModoMetrica", "ModoLibro": "ModoLibro", "EjeMeta": "EjeMetas", "FilaMeta": "FilaMeta", "ElementoModo": "ElementoModo", "CeldaMeta": "CeldaMeta", "Nivel": "Nivel", "Objetivo": "Objetivo", "Proceso": "Proceso", "Proyecto": "Proyecto", "TipoProceso": "TipoProceso", "MiniLibro": "MiniLibro", "ElementoEstructura": "ElementoEstructura", "EntidadNoExportable": "EntidadNoExportable", "MetaEstructura": "MetaEstructura", "Norma": "Norma", "FiguraProfesional": "FiguraProfesional", "Forma": "Forma", "PersonaOcupacionFigura": "PersonaOcupacionFigura", "Dimension": "Dimension", "TipoDimensionCompetencia": "TipoDimensionCompetencia", "EntidadExportable": "EntidadExportable", "Libro": "Libro", "Metrica": "Metrica", "SubEstructura": "SubEstructura", "Salida": "Salida" }, "URLIntragnoss": "", "UrlOntologia": "sample string 1" }, "ConfiguracionPlantilla": null, "EstilosPlantilla": { "sample string 1": [ { "disposed": false }, { "disposed": false } ], "sample string 2": [ { "disposed": false }, { "disposed": false } ] }, "IdiomaUsuario": "sample string 4", "OntologiaID": "912ed743-b37e-4d32-8cfd-c99b80c3eceb", "NamespacesDefinidosInv": { "sample string 1": "sample string 2", "sample string 3": "sample string 4" } }
Response Information
Resource Description
Description | Type |
String |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
"texto 1"
Response HTTP status code
On success, the response contains 200 code.
On fail, throws a WebException with code:
- 401 Unauthorized if the OAuth signature is invalid
- 400 Bad Request if the params are invalid
- 500 Internal server error if something goes wrong...