
Use it to work with ontologies

GET ontology/get-graphs-url

Gets the url of graphs

POST ontology/upload-partitioned-ontology

Save a fraction of an owl file. It's used in large ontologies. The OWL file can be splitted in many files, and each file can contains a number of entities.

POST ontology/upload-partitioned-xml

Save a fraction of an xml configuration file. It's used in large ontologies. The XML file can be splitted in many files, and each file can contains the configuration for a number of entities.


Use it to query / create / modify / delete communities

POST community/uploaded-content-file

Upload content file style.

POST community/register-load

Register a load on a project with a responsible

POST community/refresh-heavy-cache?community_id={community_id}&organization_id={organization_id}

Inserta una entrada en rabbit para recargar las buquedas

GET community/get-responsible-load?load_id={load_id}&community_short_name={community_short_name}

Get email responsible for the load

GET community/get-community-information?community_short_name={community_short_name}&community_ID={community_ID}

Gets the basic information of a community

GET community/get-category-name?category_id={category_id}

Get a category's name

GET community/get-community-personid-email?community_short_name={community_short_name}

Get the person identifier and his email from the community members

GET community/get-main-language?community_short_name={community_short_name}

Gets the main language of a community

GET community/get-community-id?community_short_name={community_short_name}

Gets the identifier of a community by its short name

GET community/get-name?community_short_name={community_short_name}

Gets the name of a community by its short name

GET community/get-categories?community_short_name={community_short_name}

Gets the list of categories of a community.

GET community/create-category?category_name={category_name}&community_short_name={community_short_name}&parent_category={parent_category}

Create a category

POST community/create-community

Create a community

POST community/link-parent-community

Create a community

GET community/get-thesaurus?community_short_name={community_short_name}

Gets the thesaurus of a community in XML format

POST community/create-thesaurus

Create a thesaurus for a community

POST community/open-community

Open an existing community

POST community/config-graph-community

Config graph of community

POST community/add-member

Register a user in a community

POST community/create-certification-levels

Create a thesaurus for a community

POST community/add-members-organization-group-to-community

Register the users of a organization group in a community

POST community/delete-member

Delete a user from a community

POST community/delete-group

Delete the users of a organization group in a community

POST community/check-administrator-community

check that the user is an administrator in a community

POST community/delete-administrator-permission

delete the user administrator permission in a community

POST community/add-administrator-member

Add a user as administrator in a community

POST community/add-administrator-group

Add the users of a organization group as administrator in a community

POST community/create-community-group

Add a group to the community

POST community/delete-community-group

Delete a group from the community

POST community/add-members-to-community-group

Add a list of users to a community group

POST community/delete-members-of-community-group

Deletes a list of users from a community group

GET community/get-members-from-community-group?community_short_name={community_short_name}&group_short_name={group_short_name}

Gets the members of a community group

GET community/get-members-organization-group?organization_short_name={organization_short_name}&group_short_name={group_short_name}

Gets the members of a organization group

GET community/get-community-groups?community_short_name={community_short_name}

Gets a list with the groups of the community

GET community/get-users-by-community-short-name?community_short_name={community_short_name}&number_resources={number_resources}&number_comments={number_comments}&groups={groups}&pFechaInit={pFechaInit}&pFechaFin={pFechaFin}

Get the data a user by user email and the community short name

GET community/get-organization-short-name-from-member?user_id={user_id}&community_short_name={community_short_name}

Gets the organization name of a user in a community

POST community/expel-member

Expels a user from a community

POST community/unblock-member

Unblocks a user from a community

POST community/block-member

Blocks a user from a community

POST community/close-community

Close a community

POST community/change-community-name

Change the community name

GET community/get-extra-register-data?community_short_name={community_short_name}

Get the extra register data of a community

POST community/refresh-all-cms-components?community_short_name={community_short_name}

Refresh the caché of all community's CMS components

POST community/refresh-cms-component?community_short_name={community_short_name}&component_id={component_id}

Refresh the caché of a CMS component

POST community/add-search-to-cache

Add the value sended to cache

POST community/add-to-cache

Add the value sended to cache


Use it to send notification to your users

POST notification/send-email

Send an e-mail notification

GET notification/mail-state?mail_id={mail_id}

Check the status of a sent e-mail from its identifier (mail_id)


Use it to create, modify or delete secondary entities

POST secondary-entity/modify-triple-list

Método para agregar/modificar/eliminar triples de una entidad secundaria. * Modificar: Pasamos el objeto viejo y el objeto nuevo * Eliminar: Pasamos solo el objeto viejo * Agregar: Pasamos solo el objeto nuevo

POST secondary-entity/create

Insert a secondary entity in a graph of a secondary ontology.

POST secondary-entity/modify

Modify a secondary entity in a graph of a secondary ontology.

POST secondary-entity/delete

Delete a secondary entity in a graph of a secondary ontology.


Use it to create / modify / delete nodes in a thesaurus

GET thesaurus/get-thesaurus?thesaurus_ontology_url={thesaurus_ontology_url}&community_short_name={community_short_name}&source={source}

No documentation available.

POST thesaurus/move-node

Move a category of a semantic thesaurus another parent given its full path from the root

POST thesaurus/change-category-name

Change the name of a thesaurus category

POST thesaurus/create-category

Create a new thesaurus category

POST thesaurus/delete-category

Delete a thesaurus category

POST thesaurus/delete-node

Removes a category of a semantic thesaurus moving all resources that were linked to it to another indicating its complete path from the root.

POST thesaurus/set-node-parent

Add a category as a parent of another

POST thesaurus/change-node-name

Modifies the name of a category of semantic thesaurus

POST thesaurus/insert-node

Enter a category in a semantic thesaurus.


Use it to query our sparql endpoint

POST sparql-endpoint/query

Get a DataSet with the result of the query


Use it to query / create / modify / delete users

POST user/exists-email-in-database

Checks if the emails already exists in the database

GET user/get-communities

Gets the short names of the communities in which the user participates.

GET user/get-admin-communities?login={login}

Gets the short name of the communities that manages the user.

GET user/get-complete-name

Gets the name of the user making the request OAuth

GET user/get-by-id?user_id={user_id}&community_short_name={community_short_name}

Gets the data user by user ID and the community short name

GET user/get-by-short-name?user_short_name={user_short_name}&community_short_name={community_short_name}

Get the data a user by user short name and the community short name

GET user/get-groups-per-community?user_id={user_id}&community_short_name={community_short_name}

Get the data a user by user short name and the community short name

GET user/get-by-email?email={email}&community_short_name={community_short_name}

Get the data a user by user email and the community short name

POST user/validate-password

Validate the login and password of an user

GET user/get-profile-role-in-organization?profile_id={profile_id}&community_short_name={community_short_name}

Gets the position of an organization profile in a community

POST user/create-user-waiting-for-activate

Create a user awaiting activation

POST user/create-user

Create a user

POST user/set-user-active

Set user as active in a community

POST user/set-user-inactive

Set user as inactive in a community

GET user/check-user-active?user_short_name={user_short_name}&community_short_name={community_short_name}

Checks if a user is active in a community

GET user/generate-forgotten-password-url?login={login}&community_short_name={community_short_name}

Gets the URL to recover the password of a user

POST user/modify-user

Modify a user

POST user/delete-user-from-community

Delete a user from a community

POST user/delete-user

Delete a user

POST user/add-user-to-organization

Add a user to an organization

POST user/add-user-to-organization-group

Add a user to organization groups

POST user/generate-login-token-for-email?email={email}&longLiveToken={longLiveToken}

No documentation available.

GET user/get-email-by-token?token={token}&deleteSingleUseToken={deleteSingleUseToken}

Gets the email for a specific token

POST user/block?user_id={user_id}

Blocks a user at the platform

POST user/change-user-email?user_id={user_id}&email={email}

Change email a user

POST user/get-user-photo?user_id={user_id}

Return short path of the personal profile of the user

POST user/unblock?user_id={user_id}

Blocks a user at the platform

POST user/get-users-by-id

Get the data a user by user id

GET user/get-modified-users?search_date={search_date}&community_short_name={community_short_name}&community_id={community_id}

No documentation available.

GET user/get-user-novelties?user_id={user_id}&search_date={search_date}&community_short_name={community_short_name}&community_id={community_id}

No documentation available.

POST user/add-social-network-login?user_id={user_id}&social_network_user_id={social_network_user_id}&social_network={social_network}

No documentation available.

POST user/modify-social-network-login?user_id={user_id}&social_network_user_id={social_network_user_id}&social_network={social_network}

Modifies the social network user identifier

GET user/get-user_id-by-social-network-login?social_network_user_id={social_network_user_id}&social_network={social_network}

Gets a user by a social network login

GET user/exists-social-network-login?social_network_user_id={social_network_user_id}&social_network={social_network}

Checks if a user id in a social network exists in the system

GET user/get-social-network-login-by-user_id?social_network={social_network}&user_id={user_id}

Gets the user

POST user/add-permission?user_id={user_id}&community_short_name={community_short_name}&admin_page_type={admin_page_type}

No documentation available.

POST user/remove-permission?user_id={user_id}&community_short_name={community_short_name}&admin_page_type={admin_page_type}

Remove CMS Admin rol privilege to a specific user.


Use it to query / create / modify / delete resources

GET resource/get-pending-actions?ontology_name={ontology_name}&community_short_name={community_short_name}

Gets the number of outstanding shares of the load of ontology in a community

GET resource/has-pending-resources?community_short_name={community_short_name}&document_type={document_type}&load_date={load_date}

Checks if the load on the document type in the community has resources pending to be processed

GET resource/get-community-short-name-by-resource_id?resource_id={resource_id}

Gets the community short name by the resource_id

GET resource/get-user-editing-permission-on-resource?resource_id={resource_id}&user_id={user_id}&community_id={community_id}

Checks whether the user has permission on the resource editing

GET resource/get-user-editing-permission-on-resource-by-community-name?resource_id={resource_id}&user_id={user_id}&community_short_name={community_short_name}

Checks whether the user has permission on the resource editing

POST resource/get-related-resources-from-list

Gets the related resources of a resource

GET resource/get-related-resources?resource_id={resource_id}&community_short_name={community_short_name}

Gets the related resources of a resource

GET resource/get-communities-resource-shared?resource_id={resource_id}

Gets the community short name of the communities where the resource is published or shared on

GET resource/get-resource-readers?resource_id={resource_id}

Gets the readers or the readers groups (group names of both community and organizational) short name of the resource

GET resource/get-visibility?resource_id={resource_id}

Gets the visibility of the resource

POST resource/unshared-community-resource

Unshare resource of a community

POST resource/insert-props-loaded-resource

Inserts properties in Triples format in a loaded resource

POST resource/delete-props-loaded-resource

Deletes properties in Triples format of a loaded resource

POST resource/get-editors

Gets the short names of resource editors and editor groups.

POST resource/get-download-url

Gets the resources download urls

POST resource/get-url

Gets the resources urls in the indicated language

POST resource/set-readers

Sets the readers of the resuorce

POST resource/add-readers

Sets the readers of the resuorce

POST resource/remove-readers

Sets the readers of the resuorce

POST resource/set-editors

Sets the editors of the resuorce

POST resource/add-editors

Sets the editors of the resuorce

POST resource/remove-editors

Sets the editors of the resuorce

POST resource/get-creator-email

Gets the email of the resources creators

POST resource/get-categories

Gets the categories of the resources

POST resource/get-tags

Gets the tags of the resources

POST resource/get-main-image

Gets the main image of the resources

GET resource/get-rdf?resource_id={resource_id}

Gets the rdf of the resource with a complex semanthic

POST resource/insert-attribute

Inserts the value in the graph

POST resource/link-resource

Link a resource list to other resource

POST resource/delete

Logical delete of the resource

POST resource/persistent-delete

Persistent delete of the resource

POST resource/exists-url

Checks whether the url exists in a resource of the community. (Searchs on the resource description)

POST resource/share

Shares the resource in the destination community

POST resource/share-resources

Shares the resource in the destination community

POST resource/set-main-image

Sets the resource main image

POST resource/remove-main-image

Removes the resource main image

POST resource/set-publisher-of-resource

Sets the publisher of a resource using an email if user participates in the community.

POST resource/set-publisher-of-resources-list

Sets the publisher of a resource using an email if user participates in the community.

POST resource/comment

Adds a comment in a resource. It can be a response of another parent comment.

POST resource/create-basic-ontology-resource

Creates a basic ontology resource

POST resource/create-complex-ontology-resource

Creates a complex ontology resource

POST resource/massive-complex-ontology-resource-creation

Massive creation of a list of resources based on a complex ontology

POST resource/upload-images

Loads the images of a not yet loaded resource.

POST resource/create-massive-load

Creates a new massive data load

POST resource/create-massive-load-package

Creates a new massive data load package

POST resource/ObtenerVariablesDePeticion?pNombreClase={pNombreClase}

No documentation available.

POST resource/load-state

Return load state

POST resource/test-massive-load

Test a massive data load

POST resource/close-massive-load

Close a massive data load

POST resource/chage-categories-resource

Modify a categories resource

POST resource/modify-complex-ontology-resource

Modifies a complex ontology resource

POST resource/modify-basic-ontology-resource

Modifies a basic ontology resource

POST resource/modify-triple-list

Method to add / modify / delete triples of complex ontology resource * Modify: Pass the old object and the new object * Delete: Pass only the old object * Add: Pass only the new object

POST resource/modify-subtype

Method to modify the resource's subtype

POST resource/modify-property

Modfies a property of a resource

POST resource/get-metakeywords

Get meta keywords of ontology

POST resource/masive-triple-modify

Modfies a list of triples of any resource

POST resource/modify-multiple-resources-triple-list

Method to add / modify / delete triples of multiple complex ontology resources * Modify: Pass the old object and the new object * Delete: Pass only the old object * Add: Pass only the new object

GET resource/get-modified-resources?search_date={search_date}&community_short_name={community_short_name}&community_id={community_id}

No documentation available.

POST resource/get-increased-reading-by-resources

Gets the resource novelties in the community from the search date

GET resource/get-resource?resource_id={resource_id}&community_short_name={community_short_name}

Get a specific resource by its own identifier and community short name where it belongs.

GET resource/get-resource-novelties?resource_id={resource_id}&search_date={search_date}&community_short_name={community_short_name}&community_id={community_id}

No documentation available.

GET resource/get-documents-published-by-user?user_id={user_id}

Get a list of resources which have been published by a concrete user identifier.

GET resource/get-path-styles?id_proyecto={id_proyecto}

Gets path styles

POST resource/vote-document

Method for vote document

GET resource/check-document-is-locked?resource_id={resource_id}

Check whether a given resource is locked or not.

POST resource/lock-document?community_short_name={community_short_name}&resource_id={resource_id}&lock_seconds_duration={lock_seconds_duration}&timeout_seconds={timeout_seconds}

Lock a specific resource from a concrete community setting the seconds the locking will last.

POST resource/unlock-document?community_short_name={community_short_name}&resource_id={resource_id}&token={token}

Unlock a specific resource from a concrete community.

POST resource/PropiedadIdiomaBusquedaComunidad

Url de la propiedad que debe contener al menos un idioma para realizar la busqueda por el mismo.

POST resource/FormateDate?pFecha={pFecha}

Set or fomat a string value type into a date type one.

POST resource/FormatGuid?pGuid={pGuid}

Set, format or normalized a guid value provided into a valid one.

POST resource/FormatString?cadena={cadena}

Set, format or normalized a string value provided into a valid one.

POST resource/GenerarScriptSql

No documentation available.